Welcome to the Bot Folk Universe
Bot folk are virtual life forms with an artificial intelligence and a genetic algorithm who live out their lives in a variety of abstract worlds. The bot folk and their worlds are for technology demonstration, research and entertainment purposes. BotFolk.ai is essentially the modern extension of one of my high school science fair projects. Created by Jim Mannix.
Next.js, Node.js, React, Javascript, Python (web/REST apps, bot functionality, SVG/graphics-generation), Flask, Flask RESTful, Kafka, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, PostgreSQL, Reddis, MongoDB, WebSockets, NGINX, Docker, Docker-Compose, DrawSVG, SVG (code), Cairo, Webpack, TailwindCSS.
TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, PyGAD, scikit-learn, TextBlob, Stanford CoreNLP (Natural Language Processing), Python (ML training, data visualization), Reddis (ML cache), Matplotlib, D3.js, Three.js, NumPy, pandas.
Amazon Cloud (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kaggle, GitHub, git, git-lfs, automation (Python, Zsh, bash, SSH, gcloud, kubectl), Red Hat Linux and Debian GCP/AWS variants, ZooKeeper, Ubuntu.
Celery (for both bots/web and ML training), Google Cloud Natural Language (Natural Language AI), Amazon Comprehend (NLP), Google Compute Engine (GCE) NVIDIA GPU VMs, GCE TCU VMs, extend current Kubernetes (K8S) usage on GCP/GCE (GKE) to also use AWS K8S - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), ZooKeeper.
IntelliJ Pro IDEs: PyCharm, WebStorm, DataGrip, DataSpell, CLion. Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, macOS, Homebrew, Inkscape, GIMP, Blender (automated via Python, BoaBlend).